Thin, Simulated, Cultured & Manufactured Stone

Simulated or manufactured stone originated in 1962 by the Brown brothers. You might see their stamp CSV on each stone meaning cultured stone veneer. Since then many other brands have been established. There are many manufacturers who claim to have the best product or a new edge to whats best. Modified or unmodified mortar set should be looked into and the brand of manufactured stone and brick you will use. Installation may seem easy enough to not make mistakes there are thousands of homes and buildings falling apart due to poor installation and lack of discipline for flashing and perhaps the bid or budget was not enough to install the product the correct way.

Why MFR Stone

Cultured stone is used for a number of reasons. One reason is there is no need for a larger footing than if you used real stone. Another reason is there is no need for a highly skilled mason although skill is also required to install cultured stone and thin brick it is mostly discipline that is needed for any job. When preparing for cultured stone it is important to install a water-resistant membrane with felt paper over and then lath then a brown coat or scratch cote then install the damp product to the substrate. cultured stone is a nice way to go but when you figure in all the preparing to install thin brick and cultured stone you might want to think about installing real stone and brick as well. Keep in mind your R-value is greater when your wall is thicker and the denser or size of the product the more sound proof.

There are special techniques for manufactured stone when it is surrounding windows and doors. Also, there are other flashing materials for the stone when adjacent to roofing slopes and close to foundations.


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(918) 637.5613

You can beautify and update any structure with manufactured simulated stone or cultured stone. Choose out of the many colors, textures, and styles.

MFR Stone

In this video, Wendland Masonry is installing a quick fit style of simulated stone for a commercial project located in Tulsa, OK.

We have installed manufactured stone on homes and commercial buildings. Maybe have manufactured stone on a fireplace or Chimney.

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